Feingold Workplace Solutions specializes in small business staff retention. We understand the difficulties of hiring and retaining capable staff and use methods geared towards the uniqueness of running a small company. We help companies prioritize the needs of their employees and provide methods that allow owners to keep staff engaged and motivated.

The costs of running a small business are already high. Our goal is to help you retain employees, so less capital is put into hiring and onboarding new employees. This cycle is both expensive and time consuming and takes away from the limited resources that owners have.

We are not a large firm that reworks the entire organizational structure of businesses. Instead, our focus is on small companies with small staffs, which we believe allows us to tailor a retention plan specific to the individual goals and functions of each client.

We believe that every employer and employee brings unique perspective and talents to work every day. Our role is to highlight these strengths and help businesses and employees function well together.

Core Values

At Feingold Workplace Solutions, we have a set of core values that guide our work.

LISTEN – Much of our work is interviewing and listening to owners and employees. Each work environment is unique, and we come into each workplace without any preconceived notions or assumptions. We do not come into each workplace with a template of to-do’s, but instead compose a plan based on the individual needs of each client. This can only be accomplished by listening to the needs of the owners and employees.

TRUST – We find that it’s sometimes difficult for employees to talk openly about their workplace. This is obviously understandable, and we never push anyone to speak about anything they’re uncomfortable with. We are also sometimes seen as “representatives” of the company, but we always emphasize anonymity and only relay specific information back to the employer when specifically given permission to.

RESPECT – Our listening process is not meant for clients and employees to “sound off” on any workplace issue. We take a levelheaded approach to our work and find that by keeping focus on the nuts and bolts of the workday, we are able to more successfully assess the workplace and execute a successful action plan. We know that work can sometimes be stressful and that emotional responses often get in the way of improving the situation.

Service & Pricing

Our service includes an Assessment, which involves learning about the company and interviewing employees, as well as a Plan of Action, which is a written report of ideas and strategies that the company utilizes to address the needs of the individual workplace.

Our work is usually conducted over a few days. We make a short visit to the workplace to discuss the project with the client and check out the office, warehouse, etc. After this initial visit, we conduct interviews with employees and managers at the convenience of the company. This can be done in one full day, depending on staff size, or scheduled over a few days. After the Assessment, a Plan of Action is delivered to the client with important findings and suggestions. Pricing is based on the size of the workforce. The minimum pricing is $2,500 per project for companies with 15 or fewer employees. A pricing estimate for more than 15 employees can be requested at benjfeingold@gmail.com.

About Me

My name is Ben Feingold and I started Feingold Workplace Solutions to help small businesses retain their best employees. I obtained a master’s degree in Industrial and Organizational Psychology out of the belief that employers and employees can function better together. I spent almost a decade working in quintessential New York City office environments and learned that more resources should be put into the morale of employees in order to stop the bad cycle of churning through staff.

Despite years working in larger corporate environments, my passion is helping smaller companies thrive. There are unique benefits and challenges of owning a small business and I think it’s important to use my expertise to help small businesses in my community. I use contemporary science and research to help guide owners in their quest to maintain quality, happy staff.

I now live in Kirkland, Washington with my wife and daughter. Besides enjoying helping workplaces and employees, I love trying new food, cooking, and taking walks with my family.


Please send inquiries to benjfeingold@gmail.com